Meditation to Relax

Meditation to Relax

Meditation feels good and you can do it from home. No experience needed. Start today.

How to meditate in eight days

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Meditation to RelaxMeditation to Relax

Day one: Timing

When's the best time to meditate?

Day two: Present Moment

Observing whether our thoughts are about the past, present or future.

Day three: Control

How can we maintain control when we close our eyes?

Day four: Acceptance

How do we accept what's happening now?

Day five: Attitude

How does the tone of our internal dialoge impact our meditation?

Day six: Letting Go

Letting go of what and for how long?

Day seven: Repetition

When should we increase your meditation time?

Day eight: The Breath

What are five reasons to bring our attention back to the breath?